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Frantic Struggles: A Heartbreaking Battle to Save My Ailing Dog from Kidney Failure

I had a dream where my dog is dying out of kidney failure since i always let not my dog to go urine so frequent..,.my parent wanted to bury him near my garden bcs they thought he died...when i wemt to check luckily he was breathing....and then when i brought my dog to the vet they said he is waiting for the time to die...i was crying and then the doctor suggest to put him down....i cry and agreed so that he wont suffering angmore...i saw the medicine 8 cried even harder

I had a dream where my dog is dying out of kidney failure since i always let not my dog to go urine so frequent..,.my parent wanted to bury him near my garden bcs they thought he died...when i wemt to check luckily he was breathing....and then when i brought my dog to the vet they said he is waiting for the time to die...i was crying and then the doctor suggest to put him down....i cry and agreed so that he wont suffering angmore...i saw the medicine 8 cried even harder

The dream may be reflecting your deep concern and worry about the well-being of your dog in real life. You may perhaps have some guilt or anxiety about not being able to take proper care of your pet. The dream could also be suggesting that you may need to be more attentive and responsible towards your pet's health and needs. The idea of putting down your dog is a difficult decision, but the dream may be telling you that sometimes it may be necessary to make a tough choice for the well-being of those you love. It's essential to remember that this dream is not a reflection of your fate or a sign of something horrible happening. Instead, it's a representation of some internal concerns that need to be addressed.